In this free session, I'll Show you how I'm able to generate Over ₹1.4cr($200,000+) in just 8 months with a profit margin of 23.16%(Over ₹40 Lakhs) from Scratch. and how You could do the same for yourself!

I'll reveal the The strategy, My first Ad Account and the most important stuff. What I was selling, and I bet you will laugh. You will say, "are you serious!". The Easy way to make profit!

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I will also show how I made 4.5lakh in my first 80 days

I will also Tell you about how I made ₹5.5 lakhs in just 2 days. Adspent was $28.73

This morning it was amazing both the stores was ringing together.

Featured in mentor's Youtube Channel and Motivated others

In just 3 months I got the attention of my mentor and my success exploded in a short period of time. He was impressed and wanted an interview and a testimonial.

This Interview was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me and I was just doing “I mean… I mean…. aaahhhh”, It was taken in the month of may. back in may I was not that good at Communicating with the native guys. But now I’m a Pro…. hahahah. Just kidding 10 times better than that phase. 

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Testimonials In The Course

Feeling proud that I’m able to contribute and motivate the community with my results

Contribution In The Mentorship Program

Yes, It's real! After my success. Andy and I made a video just to help 3rd world country people so that they don't have to struggle the way I had to

many of the people in third world countries did not have the access to stripe, and therefore were not able to accept payments from their customer. Stripe is required to process Credit card payments. I made special arrangement with Stripe to make it work for just $7.

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Becoming A Mentor - Helping Phase

When I got an offer to be a coach, I was extremely nervous. After giving first Session and getting super positive feedback from participants, it gave me a boost to do more and more sessions. I noticed that people were loving my training, strategies and they gave me a lot of personal compliments. They thanked me for helping them to solve their individual/personal issues and for helping then to get results.

Helping People Get Results

Helping People In different Aspects Of Business.

What People Think About Me

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Consistensy is the key to fill you bank with those sweet profit

Sweet Cha-Chings in the morning

I can too, Show you big numbers. But the most important part is to know the reality. Profit is the King!

Keep on launching Stores and products are easy but keep on launching profitable stores and products are important.

Show the right product infront of right demographic and interest can get you amazing results

Keep on launching Stores and products are easy but keep on launching profitable stores and products are important.

A lot of people will say oooo Sachin such small numbers. I would say small numbers but big profit, that's what I was focusing on.

Keep on launching Stores and products are easy but keep on launching profitable stores and products are important.

Perfect ads and good landing pages can get you amazing results from the start.

HIgh Roas Game with mid ticket Item.

New Store Launch With New Ad Account with Slow and Steady growth with continuous profit.

New Store Launch With New Ad Account.

Used Some Tactics To Achieve high CTR and there it is.

Adset with 100+ purchases. I've got more to show. I can do that on live call.

Once you learn the skillset it required. you will always start strong. Which is the first difficult step you need to cross.

First Day of launching a new store. It's was all about the right product fit in the market.

Show the right product infront of right demographic and interest can get you amazing results

Keep on launching Stores and products are easy but keep on launching profitable stores and products are important.

Tweaking your ads are important. See the numbers and imagine the profit mate

Keep on launching Stores and products are easy but keep on launching profitable stores and products are important.

People do buy in bulk !

Bumped the Pricing and Still getting same conversion rate

People have got and getting great results.

Always trust the process. He is just 17 years old kid from Australia. Running business with the help of his parents(Bank account and resources).

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W 109 Gould St. , Sheridan, Wyoming 

82801, united States